
How to maintain sports floor?


1. Maintenance method of pvc plastic sports floor ① Rou […]

1. Maintenance method of pvc plastic sports floor
① Routine maintenance: Use a clean 90% dry mop to clean the ground, and partially clean the heavily polluted;
② Monthly maintenance: the ground is clean, and the ground with partial foundation damage is waxed. Generally, it is better to treat and maintain the floor once a month;
③. Pollution treatment: when staining ink, food, greasy and other stains on the PVC plastic sports floor, immediately wipe off the stains carefully, and then use the diluted detergent to scrub the traces. If the remaining black leather shoes are difficult to remove, you can use the veil Dip pine perfume and scrub. Do not pour pine perfume on the floor for cleaning. After scrubbing, make up for wax maintenance.
④, chemical protection: to avoid a large amount of water staying on the floor surface for a long time, the water soaked the floor for a long time, may penetrate into the floor to make the floor glue melt and lose the adhesion, or may cause the protective wax moisture layer on the floor surface to cause the floor Pollution, the sewage may penetrate into the floor and cause the floor to change color, etc.;
⑤, Sun protection: Avoid direct sunlight, do the floor with ultraviolet radiation to prevent the floor from discoloring and fading.
 2. Precautions for pvc plastic sports floor maintenance
 PVC plastic sports floors cannot be cleaned with a cleaning ball or scraped with a blade. For stains that cannot be cleaned using conventional methods, professional cleaning methods should be used to clean the floor. It is prohibited to use acetone, toluene, and other chemicals to clean the floor.


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